Sunday, 29 August 2010


nah,this is my resume about histamine,i've this lesson when i'm in second grade,so i wish it'll be helpful to remember it,if i take on website :)

*histamin :
-mediator pada reaksi alergi tipe segera dan pada reaksi inflamasi
-neurotransmitter dan neuromodulator.

*mekanisme kerja : Menduduki reseptor tertentu (H1,H2,H3) pada sel yang terdapat pada permukaan membran.

H1 : endotel dan sel otot polos
efek : menyebabkan kontraksi otot polos ,peningkatan permeabilitas pembuluh
darah,sekresi mukus
H2 : Mukosa lambung,otot jantung,beberapa sel imun
efek : menghasilkan asam lambunga,vasodilatasi dan flushing
H3 : Penghambat umpan balik pada berbagai sistem organ
efek : aktivasi di otak,sehingga tdk men-sekresi histamin,asetilkolin,
norepinefrin dan serotonin

*Pengaruhnya :
1. Sistem KDV : -dilatasi kapiler,penurunan resistensi perifer dan tekanan darah
-afinitasnya terhadap H1 lebih kuat (vasodilatasi lebih cepat
timbul dan singkat)dibanding dgn H2
2. Permeabilitas kapiler : peningkatan permeabilitas kapiler <-> r.H1
3. Pembuluh darah besar : kontriksi pembuluh darah besar
4. Jantung : kontraktilitas dan elektrisitas jantung (dosis tinggi->aritmia)
5. Tekanan darah : penurunan tekanan darah akibat dilatasi artriol dan kapiler
6. Otot polos nonvaskular : dapat merangsang dan menghambat
-pada penderita asma bronkial dan penyakit paru->
7. Kel.Eksokrin : - Lambung : sekresi asam lambung
- Peningkatan sekresi kelenjar liur,pankreas,bronkus dan air
8. Ujung saraf sensoris : flare <->r.H1
9. Medula adrenal&Ganglia : merangsang sel kromafin medula adrenal dan sel
ganglion otonom.

*Triple Response : efek yang ditimbulkan oleh histamin yang disuntikan intradermal
1. Bercak merah setempat yang timbul setelah beberapa detik disuntikkan akibat
dilatasi kapiler
2. Flare (kemerahan lebih terang dengan bentuk tidak teratur menyebar 1-3 cm
sekitar bercak awal,akibat dilatasi arteriol yang berdekatan akibat refleks
3. Edema setempat (wheal) setelah 1-2 mnt pada daerah awal,yang perupakan tanda
peningkatan permeabilitas histamin.

* ada 2 jenis histamin,yaitu endogen (berasal dari dalam tubuh) dan eksogen (berasal dari luar tubuh)
1.Endogen ,asalnya :leukosit dari histidin(sel mast),otak (non sel mast),fundus lambung,sel epidermis dan mukosa usus
fungsinya : Reaksi anafilaktik dan alergi,Pertumbuhan dan perbaikan jaringan,dan sekresi cairan lambung.
2. Eksogen , asalnya dari daging dan bakteri dalam lumen usus dan kolon yang mengandung histamin

*Farmakokinetik : diserap baik melalui subkutan dan intra mukosa
*Indikasi :
1.Penetapan kemampuan sekresi asam lambung
2.Tes integritas serabut saraf
3.Menilai reaktivitas bronkus
4.Diagnosis feokromositoma
*Kontraindikasi : Pada pasien asma bronkial dan hipotensi.

Friday, 20 August 2010

life is....?

i've been totally realize that life is not easy,but not too hard...'as life in the woods who always being chased by the witch (*i dont even know why i made that freaky thing like that)you know..bassically people want a happiness whole their day,no sad, no angry,no feeling guilty,no badmood,or whatever or whatever ..
but,i personaly think 'that is normal',but one think we shud realize that 'whole sense'joined which is called life happiness ,i mean sad,angry,guilty,etc it kinda variations in this life (cieh bahasa gue -,-")
so,it could be better to look at a problem from the other side,of course with clear thinking that everything will be fine,everything will be restrained,and Allah will provide the best.(yah..walaupun memang sulit untuk memahaminya).the important thing is convinced that Allah will care for us and lead us to the right path,indeed if you was deviated,Allah certainly warning you just because Allah really love you..(*ihiy)
umm... I just wanna say live with trully life and choose your know..because LIVE IS CHOICE, choice to be happy,choice to be grateful,choice to make others people happy as we can ;) *flirt

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

i got ill

sometimes life can slip off from what we,thats what happen to me now
..i got ill,it make me uncomfortable feels like very difficult to stand straight, I am weak right now..
ya allah,is it okay,if I cry??????

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

idk how to feel

so lets sing...i really like this song ^^,now!!

I can’t get you out of the sunlight
I can’t get you out of the rain
I can’t get you back to that one time
Cause you and me are still recovering

So let’s just, try to cool it down
The fighting, this feeling of flames
So let’s just try to slow it down
We crash when we race

#Oh this is not the way that it should end
It’s the way it should begin
It’s the way it should begin, again
No, I never wanna fall apart,
Never wanna break your heart
Never wanna let you break my own
Yes, I know we’ve said a lot of things
That we probably didn’t mean
But it’s not too late to take them back
So, before you say you’re gonna go…
I should probably let you know
That I never knew what I had…
I never knew what I had…

See I look for you in the morning
Cause that’s what my mind always calls
And I can’t wait to get to the evening
Cause that’s when I want you the most

So let’s just try to cool it down
The fighting, this feeling of flames
So let’s just try to slow it down
We crash when we race

back to #
But I know it now…
I wish I would’ve known before
How good we were…
Or is it too late to come back
Or is it’s really over,
If it’s really over…