in Al Qur'an describe that human was created through three stages in his mother's womb.ini bisa dilihat di(Al Qur'an, 39:6):
"... Dia menjadikan kamu dalam perut ibumu kejadian demi kejadian dalam tiga kegelapan. Yang (berbuat) demikian itu adalah Allah, Tuhan kamu, Tuhan yang mempunyai kerajaan. Tidak ada Tuhan (yang berhak disembah) selain Dia; maka bagaimana kamu dapat dipalingkan?"
Di ayat ini,dalam ayat ini ditunjukkan bahwa seorang manusia diciptakan dalam tubuh ibunya dalam tiga tahapan yang berbeda.Modern biology has revealed that the formation of embryos in infants occurs in three different places in the mother's womb. Now, in all embryology textbook that is used in various schools of medicine, it is used as a knowledge base.hmm.. For example, in the book Basic Human Embryology, a major reference book in the field of embryology, this fact is described as follows:
"Life in the uterus has three stages: pre-embryonic; first two and a half weeks, embryonic; until the end of week eight, and fetus; from week eight until birth." (Williams P., Basic Human Embryology, 3. Edition, 1984, s. 64.)
These phases refer to the different stages of development of a baby. In summary, the characteristics of infant development stages in the womb is as follows:

1.Pre-embryonic stage
In the first stage, the zygote grows bigger through cell division, and formed a cell segumpalan then immerse themselves in the uterine wall. As the zygote growth gained momentum, the constituent cells also organize themselves to form three layers.
2.Embryonic Stage
This second phase lasted for five and a half weeks. At this time the baby is referred to as "embryo". At this stage, the baby's organs and body systems begin to form from the cell layers.
3.Phase fetal
Starting from this stage onwards, the baby is called a "fetus". This stage started and ended the eighth month of pregnancy until the birth. The special characteristic of this stage is indicated by the fetus resembles a human being, with his face, hands and feet. Although initially has a length of 3 cm, all organs were visible. This stage lasts for approximately 30 weeks, and development continued until the week of birth.
Information on developments that occurred in the mother's womb, only after a series of observations obtained by using modern equipment.
nahh..Fakta bahwa informasi yang sedemikian rinci dan akurat diberikan dalam Al Qur'an pada saat orang memiliki sedikit sekali informasi di bidang kedokteran,
merupakan bukti nyata bahwa Al Qur'an bukanlah ucapan manusia tetapi Firman Allah.
Dalam ayat ke-6 surah Az-Zumar, disebutkan bahwa manusia diciptakan dalam rahim ibu dalam tiga kegelapan. Embriologi modern telah mengungkap bahwa perkembangan ebriologi bayi terjadi pada tiga daerah yang berbeda dalam rahim ibu.
Subhanallah :)