vomiting.nausea.sweat-trilling.time disoriented.dizzy-head.my conditions lately.
i've been considered that i had 'bad-circumstances' of body and soul needed since mid-exam.*basically the core is 'Allah sedang menguji saya,tepat di ujian tengah semester yang superb dahsyat'
semoga sakitnya bisa menggugurkan dosa ,Amiin.
now, i feel lil' bit okay at least udah gak muntah2 lg :)
back when dad just called me minutes ago, he said " knapa sakit? apa terlalu stress belajarnya? papa kan sudah bilang belajar itu nyantai,jangan merasa terbebani harus cepat selesai kuliahnya",
yah-not like any others parents who ask their child to study-hard,our parents didn't do that.how come? -i just don't know-, even myriad accomplishment we've got (me and my brother),he just said : "good sweetheart! you are genius" then he kissed our forehead.no 'thing' gifted-like others kids got.if you ask me wether i'm jealous? YES ! of course,but it first :),now all i understand enough is he wants built my character on his way.
when i was a lil' girl dad always said " spend your time with reading", and i think that its actually his
legacy.i ever ask to dad : "dad,what professional,you want me to be,when i grow up? doctor/entrepreneur/an artist?? and he just said :"i just want you to be yourself,a "good people" honey."
(^there must be some meaning based on his words,and i think i got the sense :)
talk about my childhood life. i remember each part of mine. clearly,my home is fully with musical thingy,and the classical music which always fly around("maybe my ego formed from it).but,it changed about junior-highschool student i lost my familiarity w/ classical music,it switch with another popular genre which easily volatile at that time,like kinda-jazz,alt-rock,country,pop,bla-bla ..i like it,but my soul is just not into that.
oh i think i have a 'flight of idea"-> jadi kemana-mana gini bicaranya -___-
okey-dokeey.i think i got a boom-boom spirit to accomplish my life,i mean my entire 'line of duty' ,bismillah..