Monday, 23 May 2011

ooh..put the records on

so, i tried to covered this gaga's song,i like the lyric's.but,i dont really sure what to sang this song fluently.and you can see some mistakes i made,because this is the first time i covered dance-pop song to (what to call?hm..lil-bit,no- it cud be much slow tempo.hehe *liriknya aja masih lirik-lirik :P.

born this way (cover)

*gini nih,kalo baru nemu kuncinya di keyboard.tanpa diulang2.hasilnya= lirik-lirik :D

Sunday, 15 May 2011


emang gak bisa dipungkiri,kalo barang yg kita beli dgn duit hasil jerih payah sendiri(*ok,lets we called some-schoolarship fee)hilang begitu aja itu...just like 'torn part of your heart' crushing you easily.dan saya pastikan bahwa itu hilang TANPA JEJAK!
it was happened to me. i lose my ipod!! dont know how to express my feeling now,for sure i am a lil'bit depression .but i do regret for my carelessness.oh poor me.
i just hope,for someone who found my ipod,please do return it for me,cause its very meaningful to me. please.
but i have to say goodbye to mine..

Saturday, 14 May 2011

lil' random things i want right now is"..having someone accompany me with piano or guitar thingy" gee! how can i easily feel pleasant with someone who had a sense of musical instrument.

Friday, 13 May 2011

even this illness is a gift

vomiting.nausea.sweat-trilling.time conditions lately.
i've been considered that i had 'bad-circumstances' of body and soul needed since mid-exam.*basically the core is 'Allah sedang menguji saya,tepat di ujian tengah semester yang superb dahsyat'
semoga sakitnya bisa menggugurkan dosa ,Amiin.
now, i feel lil' bit okay at least udah gak muntah2 lg :)
back when dad just called me minutes ago, he said " knapa sakit? apa terlalu stress belajarnya? papa kan sudah bilang belajar itu nyantai,jangan merasa terbebani harus cepat selesai kuliahnya",
yah-not like any others parents who ask their child to study-hard,our parents didn't do come? -i just don't know-, even myriad accomplishment we've got (me and my brother),he just said : "good sweetheart! you are genius" then he kissed our 'thing' gifted-like others kids got.if you ask me wether i'm jealous? YES ! of course,but it first :),now all i understand enough is he wants built my character on his way.
when i was a lil' girl dad always said " spend your time with reading", and i think that its actually his legacy.i ever ask to dad : "dad,what professional,you want me to be,when i grow up? doctor/entrepreneur/an artist?? and he just said :"i just want you to be yourself,a "good people" honey."
(^there must be some meaning based on his words,and i think i got the sense :)
talk about my childhood life. i remember each part of mine. clearly,my home is fully with musical thingy,and the classical music which always fly around("maybe my ego formed from it).but,it changed about junior-highschool student i lost my familiarity w/ classical music,it switch with another popular genre which easily volatile at that time,like kinda-jazz,alt-rock,country,pop,bla-bla ..i like it,but my soul is just not into that.
oh i think i have a 'flight of idea"-> jadi kemana-mana gini bicaranya -___-

okey-dokeey.i think i got a boom-boom spirit to accomplish my life,i mean my entire 'line of duty' ,bismillah..

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Sebenarnya kita itu tidak pernah gagal,hanya saja kita yang sering menyerah.
Makanya ga ada kata "Jangan gagal" yg ada pasti "jangan menyerah",
Menyerah itu adalah keputusan kita utk "GAGAL".

"..Sesungguhnya yang berputus asa dari rahmat Allah hanyalah orang-arang yang kafir"
Al'Quran-Yusuf : 87