this is meals that I usually made it :
-> for breakfast: French bread.Cheese.Vegie Biscuits.Blueberry Yogurt.Pear.
tamago maki sushi & fishstick maki sushi with sprinkle cheese around 'em
cumi goreng tepung saus asam manis dan shrimp capcay pelangi
broccoli's bedfellow with red beans and freaky noodles omelette :D
French bread with cheese.Hullamumba' vegie (tomato,egg,mustard,carrots and pepper )
Wednesday, 22 December 2010
Sunday, 19 December 2010
Monday, 6 December 2010
the truth of Al'Quran :)
in Al Qur'an describe that human was created through three stages in his mother's womb.ini bisa dilihat di(Al Qur'an, 39:6):
"... Dia menjadikan kamu dalam perut ibumu kejadian demi kejadian dalam tiga kegelapan. Yang (berbuat) demikian itu adalah Allah, Tuhan kamu, Tuhan yang mempunyai kerajaan. Tidak ada Tuhan (yang berhak disembah) selain Dia; maka bagaimana kamu dapat dipalingkan?"
Di ayat ini,dalam ayat ini ditunjukkan bahwa seorang manusia diciptakan dalam tubuh ibunya dalam tiga tahapan yang berbeda.Modern biology has revealed that the formation of embryos in infants occurs in three different places in the mother's womb. Now, in all embryology textbook that is used in various schools of medicine, it is used as a knowledge base.hmm.. For example, in the book Basic Human Embryology, a major reference book in the field of embryology, this fact is described as follows:
"Life in the uterus has three stages: pre-embryonic; first two and a half weeks, embryonic; until the end of week eight, and fetus; from week eight until birth." (Williams P., Basic Human Embryology, 3. Edition, 1984, s. 64.)
These phases refer to the different stages of development of a baby. In summary, the characteristics of infant development stages in the womb is as follows:
1.Pre-embryonic stage
In the first stage, the zygote grows bigger through cell division, and formed a cell segumpalan then immerse themselves in the uterine wall. As the zygote growth gained momentum, the constituent cells also organize themselves to form three layers.
2.Embryonic Stage
This second phase lasted for five and a half weeks. At this time the baby is referred to as "embryo". At this stage, the baby's organs and body systems begin to form from the cell layers.
3.Phase fetal
Starting from this stage onwards, the baby is called a "fetus". This stage started and ended the eighth month of pregnancy until the birth. The special characteristic of this stage is indicated by the fetus resembles a human being, with his face, hands and feet. Although initially has a length of 3 cm, all organs were visible. This stage lasts for approximately 30 weeks, and development continued until the week of birth.
Information on developments that occurred in the mother's womb, only after a series of observations obtained by using modern equipment.
nahh..Fakta bahwa informasi yang sedemikian rinci dan akurat diberikan dalam Al Qur'an pada saat orang memiliki sedikit sekali informasi di bidang kedokteran,
merupakan bukti nyata bahwa Al Qur'an bukanlah ucapan manusia tetapi Firman Allah.
Dalam ayat ke-6 surah Az-Zumar, disebutkan bahwa manusia diciptakan dalam rahim ibu dalam tiga kegelapan. Embriologi modern telah mengungkap bahwa perkembangan ebriologi bayi terjadi pada tiga daerah yang berbeda dalam rahim ibu.
Subhanallah :)
Sunday, 5 December 2010
music in me
I am truly deeply in love with all classical music;the only pure-enjoyable music that makes me play the sense of music on my head,and helps to focus,but still keep pace the rythme of that pitch.this kinda required to be listened :
Mozart - Rondo Alla Turca (Orchestra)
Antonio Vivaldi La Primavera
Bach Solfeggietto No.2 in C minor H.220, W.117
Mozart - Rondo Alla Turca (Orchestra)
Antonio Vivaldi La Primavera
Bach Solfeggietto No.2 in C minor H.220, W.117
Monday, 29 November 2010
'work out' in my perception
did you ever think about 'work out', without something we called 'process'?? well I think it is ridiculous!
you know,there is no 'succes' without effort kan? here, I really want to say that your desire play a role in everything that you want,I mean it would be better if you have a steady perseverance in achieving your desire ,right?
uumm,as a I believe that 'success can be designed',of course accompanied with 'tawakal' sama Allah SWT, yea- thats a big points!
Allah do not sleep,Allah loves us,Allah listen to our prayers,and Allah will surely grant our prayers, you just believe that it will actually happen to you.yaah.. mikirnya ga sebates itu doang,we'd better have another paradigm that-'there will be a better plan' if hasn't become what we want earlier.
-Stay foccus- yea,did you ever heard statement 'everyone wants the best for himself'.
I am- not entirely convinced by the sentence. you know;if someone really want a good score on the test,but in reality he/she didn't really learn before,I mean its only blah-blah-blah mixed with a sense of lazy,is it acceptable with the statement above??yaaah,kembali lagi ke awal growing the focus of intention in your heart when you want to achieve your vision and stay focus on goals.InsyaAllah pasti bisa :)
-Patience- one word,thats so easy to say ,but lil' difficult to do yaa. here, the patience could be the thing that is often uttered,without knowing what to do.Patience in me -means- trust and consider further action to be better aaand have to learn from the past.iya dong,well,nggak ada yg mau jatuh ke lubang yang sama kaan :D *hehehe
ok.its time to pray-
Saturday, 20 November 2010
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
such a sweet birthday ever
november 10, the begining of my 20 years old :)*just wow!
-yea getting closer to death-
doanya tika : "ya Allah bimbing hamba untuk selalu berada di jalan yang Engkau ridhoi,sayangilah ayah ibu kakak hamba,keluarga hamba,teman2 hamba,guru hamba.Kumpulkan kami kembali di surga-MU.Tegur hamba bila hamba mulai 'menyimpang',karena sesungguhnya keimanan hamba,membutuhkan bimbingan-Mu ya Allah.
bahagiakan kedua orang tua hamba,terutama mama,krn hamba sayaaang sekali sama beliau,berikan hamba kemudahan untuk membuat kedua orgtua hamba bahagia.Berikanlah rasa 'tanggung jawab' kpd hamba,baik sebagai umat-Mu,sebagai anak,dan sebagai pelajar.Mudahkan jalan hamba untuk meraih ridho-Mu dalam menggapai cita-cita hamba.
Jauhkanlah hamba dari penyakit hati,yang justru akan menjauhkan hamba dari-Mu ya Allah.20 tahun,membuat hamba semakin dekat dengan kematian,sadarkanlah hamba untuk selalu beribadah dan memohon ampun kepada-Mu,selalu ingatkan hamba,bahwa semua perbuatan yang hamba lakukan di dunia,akan diminta pertanggungjawabannya oleh-Mu,di akhirat nanti ya Allah.tika sayang keluarga tika,jagalah mereka,ampuni segala dosanya,pertemukan kami kembali dalam rahmat-Mu.Buatlah segala cobaan yang Kau berikan kpd hamba ,membuat hamba selalu berfikir dan merasa bahwa :
"Manisnya pahala cobaan ini membuatku lupa akan pahitnya menahan kesabaran dalam menghadapinya".bahagiakan orang-orang disekitar hamba ya ,ya Allah :)
Amin ya Robbal'alamin
-yea getting closer to death-
doanya tika : "ya Allah bimbing hamba untuk selalu berada di jalan yang Engkau ridhoi,sayangilah ayah ibu kakak hamba,keluarga hamba,teman2 hamba,guru hamba.Kumpulkan kami kembali di surga-MU.Tegur hamba bila hamba mulai 'menyimpang',karena sesungguhnya keimanan hamba,membutuhkan bimbingan-Mu ya Allah.
bahagiakan kedua orang tua hamba,terutama mama,krn hamba sayaaang sekali sama beliau,berikan hamba kemudahan untuk membuat kedua orgtua hamba bahagia.Berikanlah rasa 'tanggung jawab' kpd hamba,baik sebagai umat-Mu,sebagai anak,dan sebagai pelajar.Mudahkan jalan hamba untuk meraih ridho-Mu dalam menggapai cita-cita hamba.
Jauhkanlah hamba dari penyakit hati,yang justru akan menjauhkan hamba dari-Mu ya Allah.20 tahun,membuat hamba semakin dekat dengan kematian,sadarkanlah hamba untuk selalu beribadah dan memohon ampun kepada-Mu,selalu ingatkan hamba,bahwa semua perbuatan yang hamba lakukan di dunia,akan diminta pertanggungjawabannya oleh-Mu,di akhirat nanti ya Allah.tika sayang keluarga tika,jagalah mereka,ampuni segala dosanya,pertemukan kami kembali dalam rahmat-Mu.Buatlah segala cobaan yang Kau berikan kpd hamba ,membuat hamba selalu berfikir dan merasa bahwa :
"Manisnya pahala cobaan ini membuatku lupa akan pahitnya menahan kesabaran dalam menghadapinya".bahagiakan orang-orang disekitar hamba ya ,ya Allah :)
Amin ya Robbal'alamin
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say "we're moving on and we'll be okay".
I know you can't stay, so I won't be waiting, anticipating for the fall.
We had our time, baby, so I won't be waiting, anticipating for the call.
Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say "we're moving on and we'll be okay".
Turn it up, turn it up for the people that say "we're moving on and we'll be okay".
Saturday, 18 September 2010
Clean up your teeth,makes one cute smile :)
yea-yea,i'm back to give you some tips to clean your teeth,guys.
when we're kids,of course,momdad teach us 'how to brush our teeth',but maybe the way to clean its less true,so this is the things,you have to know more about it
Teeth and mouth, closely related to the spread of disease in our bodies. Cancer, diabetes, hypertension, etc. is happening on the inside of the body, but the teeth and mouth as gateway is the entry of germs.
Thus, hygiene and dental health can't be considered small also associated with maintaining overall body health.The mouth is home to a variety of bacteria and microorganisms are located.There are good and some bad.Thus, starting from the mouth,all diseases can be triggered, starts from the mouth also the body's defense can work.
Here we discuss the necessity of brushing teeth and all attempts to clean the teeth.We start huh'?
When brushing your teeth?
The frequency of brushing is very often recommended is 2 x daily, after breakfast and before bed. Why are two important points to consider at this time?After breakfast,is usually a pause between breakfast and lunch in a while.If you do not brush your teeth after breakfast,you can imagine how plaque is formed and the possible forerunner of the potential formation of tartar also occur.Meanwhile, before bed is recommended because if not the remnants of food left in your mouth will be metabolized by bacteria and produce acids that damage the tooth crown. The smell of your mouth when waking up is also caused by this process.
Remember,too,brushing teeth can not be done immediately after eating.Give a break at least half an hour after you finish eating. Why because when you just finished eating, the mouth is still acidic conditions. If you brush your teeth at this time the result is more easily eroded tooth enamel.
Use a toothbrush with soft bristles, so as not to injure your gums. Replace once every four months or when you use a feather brush begins to expand or branched.
Fluoride toothpaste
Fluoride in toothpaste is useful to maintain email remain resilient layer of acid attack from bacteria. But you do not need to necessarily fanatical about and consume them with excessive fluoride. Excessive levels of fluoride in the body actually become harmful to health.
Meanwhile,additional ingredients in toothpaste,such as herbs etc.. can be understood as a toothpaste company efforts to attract consumers.There are no harmful elements during testing that has gone through the process correctly.
Brushing the tongue
Tounge is also an important part of the unity of the teeth and mouth.As the soft tissue in the mouth,the tongue is a fertile place to grow mushrooms and friends. Therefore,brushing the tongue is also as important as brushing teeth. Unfortunately there are still many people who do not really know about this.
Brushing the tongue should be done every time you brush your teeth.Brush that is used rather than ordinary toothbrushes but a special brush that was intended for the tongue due to differences in tissue types between the teeth and tongue.
Come to the dentist
ME-not intended to promote the profession of a dentist,but the health and oral hygiene course to be more secure if left to the experts.Have your dentist every six months,because who knew there was a hole in your teeth you never realized before or embryo tartar et al.
Hopefully useful ...
guess me not-
so, this is the result of my absurd fad,spent my time on morphthing photo's web,you know It was a tickle,when you know the mixture between your face with the faces of celebrities overseas :D hahaha
let see..mine,and guess with whom I morphthed?
the answer is : me with-
1 ziaD noremaC
2 zsieW lehcaR
3 yawahtaH ennA
4 gninnaF atokaD
5 yelthginK arieK
6 iaR ayrawhsiA
7 ledelB sixelA
nb : use mirror to read it :)
let see..mine,and guess with whom I morphthed?
the answer is : me with-
1 ziaD noremaC
2 zsieW lehcaR
3 yawahtaH ennA
4 gninnaF atokaD
5 yelthginK arieK
6 iaR ayrawhsiA
7 ledelB sixelA
nb : use mirror to read it :)
Sunday, 29 August 2010
nah,this is my resume about histamine,i've this lesson when i'm in second grade,so i wish it'll be helpful to remember it,if i take on website :)
*histamin :
-mediator pada reaksi alergi tipe segera dan pada reaksi inflamasi
-neurotransmitter dan neuromodulator.
*mekanisme kerja : Menduduki reseptor tertentu (H1,H2,H3) pada sel yang terdapat pada permukaan membran.
H1 : endotel dan sel otot polos
efek : menyebabkan kontraksi otot polos ,peningkatan permeabilitas pembuluh
darah,sekresi mukus
H2 : Mukosa lambung,otot jantung,beberapa sel imun
efek : menghasilkan asam lambunga,vasodilatasi dan flushing
H3 : Penghambat umpan balik pada berbagai sistem organ
efek : aktivasi di otak,sehingga tdk men-sekresi histamin,asetilkolin,
norepinefrin dan serotonin
*Pengaruhnya :
1. Sistem KDV : -dilatasi kapiler,penurunan resistensi perifer dan tekanan darah
-afinitasnya terhadap H1 lebih kuat (vasodilatasi lebih cepat
timbul dan singkat)dibanding dgn H2
2. Permeabilitas kapiler : peningkatan permeabilitas kapiler <-> r.H1
3. Pembuluh darah besar : kontriksi pembuluh darah besar
4. Jantung : kontraktilitas dan elektrisitas jantung (dosis tinggi->aritmia)
5. Tekanan darah : penurunan tekanan darah akibat dilatasi artriol dan kapiler
6. Otot polos nonvaskular : dapat merangsang dan menghambat
-pada penderita asma bronkial dan penyakit paru->
7. Kel.Eksokrin : - Lambung : sekresi asam lambung
- Peningkatan sekresi kelenjar liur,pankreas,bronkus dan air
8. Ujung saraf sensoris : flare <->r.H1
9. Medula adrenal&Ganglia : merangsang sel kromafin medula adrenal dan sel
ganglion otonom.
*Triple Response : efek yang ditimbulkan oleh histamin yang disuntikan intradermal
1. Bercak merah setempat yang timbul setelah beberapa detik disuntikkan akibat
dilatasi kapiler
2. Flare (kemerahan lebih terang dengan bentuk tidak teratur menyebar 1-3 cm
sekitar bercak awal,akibat dilatasi arteriol yang berdekatan akibat refleks
3. Edema setempat (wheal) setelah 1-2 mnt pada daerah awal,yang perupakan tanda
peningkatan permeabilitas histamin.
* ada 2 jenis histamin,yaitu endogen (berasal dari dalam tubuh) dan eksogen (berasal dari luar tubuh)
1.Endogen ,asalnya :leukosit dari histidin(sel mast),otak (non sel mast),fundus lambung,sel epidermis dan mukosa usus
fungsinya : Reaksi anafilaktik dan alergi,Pertumbuhan dan perbaikan jaringan,dan sekresi cairan lambung.
2. Eksogen , asalnya dari daging dan bakteri dalam lumen usus dan kolon yang mengandung histamin
*Farmakokinetik : diserap baik melalui subkutan dan intra mukosa
*Indikasi :
1.Penetapan kemampuan sekresi asam lambung
2.Tes integritas serabut saraf
3.Menilai reaktivitas bronkus
4.Diagnosis feokromositoma
*Kontraindikasi : Pada pasien asma bronkial dan hipotensi.
*histamin :
-mediator pada reaksi alergi tipe segera dan pada reaksi inflamasi
-neurotransmitter dan neuromodulator.
*mekanisme kerja : Menduduki reseptor tertentu (H1,H2,H3) pada sel yang terdapat pada permukaan membran.
H1 : endotel dan sel otot polos
efek : menyebabkan kontraksi otot polos ,peningkatan permeabilitas pembuluh
darah,sekresi mukus
H2 : Mukosa lambung,otot jantung,beberapa sel imun
efek : menghasilkan asam lambunga,vasodilatasi dan flushing
H3 : Penghambat umpan balik pada berbagai sistem organ
efek : aktivasi di otak,sehingga tdk men-sekresi histamin,asetilkolin,
norepinefrin dan serotonin
*Pengaruhnya :
1. Sistem KDV : -dilatasi kapiler,penurunan resistensi perifer dan tekanan darah
-afinitasnya terhadap H1 lebih kuat (vasodilatasi lebih cepat
timbul dan singkat)dibanding dgn H2
2. Permeabilitas kapiler : peningkatan permeabilitas kapiler <-> r.H1
3. Pembuluh darah besar : kontriksi pembuluh darah besar
4. Jantung : kontraktilitas dan elektrisitas jantung (dosis tinggi->aritmia)
5. Tekanan darah : penurunan tekanan darah akibat dilatasi artriol dan kapiler
6. Otot polos nonvaskular : dapat merangsang dan menghambat
-pada penderita asma bronkial dan penyakit paru->
7. Kel.Eksokrin : - Lambung : sekresi asam lambung
- Peningkatan sekresi kelenjar liur,pankreas,bronkus dan air
8. Ujung saraf sensoris : flare <->r.H1
9. Medula adrenal&Ganglia : merangsang sel kromafin medula adrenal dan sel
ganglion otonom.
*Triple Response : efek yang ditimbulkan oleh histamin yang disuntikan intradermal
1. Bercak merah setempat yang timbul setelah beberapa detik disuntikkan akibat
dilatasi kapiler
2. Flare (kemerahan lebih terang dengan bentuk tidak teratur menyebar 1-3 cm
sekitar bercak awal,akibat dilatasi arteriol yang berdekatan akibat refleks
3. Edema setempat (wheal) setelah 1-2 mnt pada daerah awal,yang perupakan tanda
peningkatan permeabilitas histamin.
* ada 2 jenis histamin,yaitu endogen (berasal dari dalam tubuh) dan eksogen (berasal dari luar tubuh)
1.Endogen ,asalnya :leukosit dari histidin(sel mast),otak (non sel mast),fundus lambung,sel epidermis dan mukosa usus
fungsinya : Reaksi anafilaktik dan alergi,Pertumbuhan dan perbaikan jaringan,dan sekresi cairan lambung.
2. Eksogen , asalnya dari daging dan bakteri dalam lumen usus dan kolon yang mengandung histamin
*Farmakokinetik : diserap baik melalui subkutan dan intra mukosa
*Indikasi :
1.Penetapan kemampuan sekresi asam lambung
2.Tes integritas serabut saraf
3.Menilai reaktivitas bronkus
4.Diagnosis feokromositoma
*Kontraindikasi : Pada pasien asma bronkial dan hipotensi.
Friday, 20 August 2010
life is....?
i've been totally realize that life is not easy,but not too hard...'as life in the woods who always being chased by the witch (*i dont even know why i made that freaky thing like that)you know..bassically people want a happiness whole their day,no sad, no angry,no feeling guilty,no badmood,or whatever or whatever ..
but,i personaly think 'that is normal',but one think we shud realize that 'whole sense'joined which is called life happiness ,i mean sad,angry,guilty,etc it kinda variations in this life (cieh bahasa gue -,-")
so,it could be better to look at a problem from the other side,of course with clear thinking that everything will be fine,everything will be restrained,and Allah will provide the best.(yah..walaupun memang sulit untuk memahaminya).the important thing is convinced that Allah will care for us and lead us to the right path,indeed if you was deviated,Allah certainly warning you just because Allah really love you..(*ihiy)
umm... I just wanna say live with trully life and choose your know..because LIVE IS CHOICE, choice to be happy,choice to be grateful,choice to make others people happy as we can ;) *flirt
but,i personaly think 'that is normal',but one think we shud realize that 'whole sense'joined which is called life happiness ,i mean sad,angry,guilty,etc it kinda variations in this life (cieh bahasa gue -,-")
so,it could be better to look at a problem from the other side,of course with clear thinking that everything will be fine,everything will be restrained,and Allah will provide the best.(yah..walaupun memang sulit untuk memahaminya).the important thing is convinced that Allah will care for us and lead us to the right path,indeed if you was deviated,Allah certainly warning you just because Allah really love you..(*ihiy)
umm... I just wanna say live with trully life and choose your know..because LIVE IS CHOICE, choice to be happy,choice to be grateful,choice to make others people happy as we can ;) *flirt
Wednesday, 4 August 2010
i got ill
sometimes life can slip off from what we,thats what happen to me now
..i got ill,it make me uncomfortable feels like very difficult to stand straight, I am weak right now..
ya allah,is it okay,if I cry??????
..i got ill,it make me uncomfortable feels like very difficult to stand straight, I am weak right now..
ya allah,is it okay,if I cry??????
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
idk how to feel
so lets sing...i really like this song ^^,now!!
I can’t get you out of the sunlight
I can’t get you out of the rain
I can’t get you back to that one time
Cause you and me are still recovering
So let’s just, try to cool it down
The fighting, this feeling of flames
So let’s just try to slow it down
We crash when we race
#Oh this is not the way that it should end
It’s the way it should begin
It’s the way it should begin, again
No, I never wanna fall apart,
Never wanna break your heart
Never wanna let you break my own
Yes, I know we’ve said a lot of things
That we probably didn’t mean
But it’s not too late to take them back
So, before you say you’re gonna go…
I should probably let you know
That I never knew what I had…
I never knew what I had…
See I look for you in the morning
Cause that’s what my mind always calls
And I can’t wait to get to the evening
Cause that’s when I want you the most
So let’s just try to cool it down
The fighting, this feeling of flames
So let’s just try to slow it down
We crash when we race
back to #
But I know it now…
I wish I would’ve known before
How good we were…
Or is it too late to come back
Or is it’s really over,
If it’s really over…
Saturday, 31 July 2010
awali hari dengan sarapan
so, we talk about breakfast..
why we need breakfast???
Breakfast is important to be done. The reason is because during sleep for approximately eight hours our bodies there is no food that enters the body, while activities such as breathing, moving or other light activity is still running. As a result, sugar levels in the body is very low. While the early days of physical activity began to walk, like to travel to the office, thinking or concentration need to be able to perform activities well. All this requires energy and energy obtained from the eaten food.
By eating good food, will make the body feel full and will evoke the spirit to do activities. You will not feel sluggish or preoccupied by a hungry stomach. A healthy breakfast can help lower cholesterol levels. Emotionally, breakfast can become a gathering place all family members, telling each other, communicate and get closer emotionally. This is a good thing to create a harmonious family.
why we need breakfast???
Breakfast is important to be done. The reason is because during sleep for approximately eight hours our bodies there is no food that enters the body, while activities such as breathing, moving or other light activity is still running. As a result, sugar levels in the body is very low. While the early days of physical activity began to walk, like to travel to the office, thinking or concentration need to be able to perform activities well. All this requires energy and energy obtained from the eaten food.
By eating good food, will make the body feel full and will evoke the spirit to do activities. You will not feel sluggish or preoccupied by a hungry stomach. A healthy breakfast can help lower cholesterol levels. Emotionally, breakfast can become a gathering place all family members, telling each other, communicate and get closer emotionally. This is a good thing to create a harmonious family.
Thursday, 22 July 2010
It's about scholarship :)
yeah...its about scholarship..alhamdulillah, I got another scholarship from EGC (one kind as a publisher of medical book)
so, the story begin with "short" messages from melisa,she said that I got a scholarship,then i must fill out the form,the form was held by mba' sanny (she's part of academic administrators) then I called her,and make appointment..yea,it happen this afternoon,
maybe thats the sign intended for me to read more...and more..:D,beasiswa kali ini berupa buku soalnya:)
"the form a normal form,hem-_-",hahhaa..while I'm filling out that form,my friend, gege read me a letter of scholarship,it said that only two people from my campus who will receive means ,me and melisa :)
anyway thank youuuuu EGC
so, the story begin with "short" messages from melisa,she said that I got a scholarship,then i must fill out the form,the form was held by mba' sanny (she's part of academic administrators) then I called her,and make appointment..yea,it happen this afternoon,
maybe thats the sign intended for me to read more...and more..:D,beasiswa kali ini berupa buku soalnya:)
"the form a normal form,hem-_-",hahhaa..while I'm filling out that form,my friend, gege read me a letter of scholarship,it said that only two people from my campus who will receive means ,me and melisa :)
anyway thank youuuuu EGC
Sunday, 18 July 2010
just let me go homeeeee...^^
there..i'm writing again,after 2 weeks having the last the impression about my exam is......"growing up to the high grade increasingly difficult"..even more hard than one might imagine ,
but thinking about "hard"before..came back to the deepside of my heart..
"this is my choice,
"this is my dream,
just work with it,settle it,and enjoy it even it's hard!!!
how's the results???? idk,see then..semoga Allah mengabulkan doa-doaku,amin ^^
semester ini sangat susah kalo dibilang,but.."if not hard,it's not a challenge..:) hehe
ya,saya bertawakal kepada Allah SWT,please keep it my IPK..ya Allah,insyaAllah amin
now, i want to go home rapidly...really..i miss my home..oh so many plans flying inside my head, invite my fam,to try sushi made by me.jogging.swimming on palmcourt everyday.hang out with friends.sleepover.playing with cousins.and also learn to make some deliciousoo food..hehehhe,yeay!
see you balikpapan.........
ganteng yaa om michael buble O_o
but thinking about "hard"before..came back to the deepside of my heart..
"this is my choice,
"this is my dream,
just work with it,settle it,and enjoy it even it's hard!!!
how's the results???? idk,see then..semoga Allah mengabulkan doa-doaku,amin ^^
semester ini sangat susah kalo dibilang,but.."if not hard,it's not a challenge..:) hehe
ya,saya bertawakal kepada Allah SWT,please keep it my IPK..ya Allah,insyaAllah amin
now, i want to go home rapidly...really..i miss my home..oh so many plans flying inside my head, invite my fam,to try sushi made by me.jogging.swimming on palmcourt everyday.hang out with friends.sleepover.playing with cousins.and also learn to make some deliciousoo food..hehehhe,yeay!
see you balikpapan.........
ganteng yaa om michael buble O_o
Friday, 18 June 2010
Gigi sebagai sumber penyakit jantung
Di samping faktor risiko klasik (merokok, obesitas, kadar kolesterol, tekanan darah tinggi, kurang aktivitas, diabetes mellitus, stres), hasil penelitian akhir-akhir ini menyebutkan bahwa reaksi peradangan (inflamasi) dari penyakit infeksi kronis mungkin juga menjadi faktor risiko. Meskipun begitu, hanya penyakit gigi kronis yang terbukti terkait dengan penyakit jantung.
Mekanisme penyebaran
Penyebaran penyakit dari gigi ke organ tubuh lain dapat dijelaskan lewat teori fokal infeksi.
Fokal infeksi adalah infeksi kronis di suatu tempat dan memicu penyakit di tempat lain. Racun, sisa-sisa kotoran, maupun mikroba penginfeksi bisa menyebar ke tempat lain di tubuh seperti ginjal, jantung, mata, kulit. Dampak penyakit gigi pada jantung dapat berupa penyakit jantung koroner, peradangan otot, serta katup jantung (endokarditis).
Bakteri yang terikut aliran darah bisa memproduksi enzim yang mempercepat terbentuknya bekuan darah sehingga mengeraskan dinding pembuluh darah jantung (aterosklerosis). Bakteri dapat juga melekat pada lapisan (plak) lemak di pembuluh darah jantung dan mempertebal plak. Semua itu, menghambat aliran darah serta penyaluran sumber makanan dan oksigen ke jantung, sehingga jantung tak berfungsi semestinya.
Gejala awal dapat berupa nyeri dada, meliputi rasa seperti terbakar, tertekan, dan beban berat di dada kiri, yang dapat meluas ke lengan kiri, leher, dagu, dan bahu. Nyeri dada juga terasa di bagian tengah dada selama beberapa menit. Setelah kejadian biasanya diikuti rasa mual, muntah, pusing, keringat dingin, tungkai serta lengan menjadi dingin, napas terengah-engah, dan sesak napas.
Angina berkepanjangan akan menjurus ke serangan jantung (miokard infark). Namun sering kali penyakit jantung koroner berlangsung tanpa adanya gejala, ia tidak menimbulkan masalah sampai keadaannya sudah parah.
Kemungkinan lain, reaksi peradangan yang disebabkan oleh penyakit gigi meningkatkan pembentukan plak yang memacu penebalan dinding pembuluh darah. Penelitian menunjukkan, orang dengan penyakit gigi mempunyai risiko dua kali lebih tinggi terkena penyakit jantung koroner.
Bakteri yang ditemukan pada plak gigi merupakan salah satu faktor penyebab endokarditis.
Bakteri di lubang gigi maupun gusi yang rusak dapat masuk ke dalam sirkulasi darah lewat gusi yang berdarah. Bakteri ini dengan mudah menyerang katup jantung maupun otot jantung yang telah melemah. Gejalanya berupa demam, bising jantung, perdarahan di bawah kulit, bahkan embolisasi (penyumbatan) pembuluh darah kecil di organ-organ tubuh lainnya.
Meskipun jarang, penyakit ini dapat berakibat fatal dan kadang kala memerlukan operasi katup jantung darurat. Selain itu juga sangat dianjurkan pemberian antibiotika sebagai profilaksi pada orang yang menderita prolaps katup jantung, penyakit jantung rematik dan kelainan jantung bawaan, sebelum mendapatkan tindakan pengobatan gigi.
Karena mencegah selalu lebih baik daripada mengobati, perlu perawatan gigi yang baik dan pemeriksaan gigi secara berkala. Cara pencegahan terbentuknya karang gigi cukup sederhana, yaitu dengan rajin dan teliti membersihkan gigi secara baik dan benar. Penggosokan pada lidah selama 30 detik juga terbukti mengurangi jumlah bakteri dalam mulut.
Brosur cara menyikat gigi yang baik dan benar dapat diperoleh dengan mudah di setiap tempat praktik dokter gigi. Pemakaian dental floss (benang gigi) juga amat penting untuk membersihkan daerah- daerah yang sulit terjangkau oleh sikat gigi, terutama daerah antargigi dan juga pada gigi-gigi yang berjejal.
Sunday, 13 June 2010
just a random sunday
okay,umm..this day just like a normally sunday,yeah..maybe I just spending my whole time in front of my ocipa..(names of my notebook) errrr I don't think so..(*sigh)
then...talking about bored?*yeah indeed ..,so uh, I decided to take a look one of website I like,where I can imagine my soul be there ..hehe...
okay..can you just imagine --> some beautiful view,that I mostly like :
I could imagine was in some pretty places like this..yeah adorable..<3
theres some butterflies that fly surrounding me, and some of them perched on my nose, and my brown hair...
then, there was a small group of very cute rabbits and cats that jump at you, yap,they wanted to play with me..lil' chit chat,sing,and dancing together...
then...talking about bored?*yeah indeed ..,so uh, I decided to take a look one of website I like,where I can imagine my soul be there ..hehe...
okay..can you just imagine --> some beautiful view,that I mostly like :
I could imagine was in some pretty places like this..yeah adorable..<3
theres some butterflies that fly surrounding me, and some of them perched on my nose, and my brown hair...
then, there was a small group of very cute rabbits and cats that jump at you, yap,they wanted to play with me..lil' chit chat,sing,and dancing together...
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