did you ever think about 'work out', without something we called 'process'?? well I think it is ridiculous!
you know,there is no 'succes' without effort kan? here, I really want to say that your desire play a role in everything that you want,I mean it would be better if you have a steady perseverance in achieving your desire ,right?
uumm,as a student..me- I believe that 'success can be designed',of course accompanied with 'tawakal' sama Allah SWT, yea- thats a big points!
Allah do not sleep,Allah loves us,Allah listen to our prayers,and Allah will surely grant our prayers, you just believe that it will actually happen to you.yaah.. mikirnya ga sebates itu doang,we'd better have another paradigm that-'there will be a better plan' if hasn't become what we want earlier.
-Stay foccus- yea,did you ever heard statement 'everyone wants the best for himself'.
I am- not entirely convinced by the sentence. you know;if someone really want a good score on the test,but in reality he/she didn't really learn before,I mean its only blah-blah-blah mixed with a sense of lazy,is it acceptable with the statement above??yaaah,kembali lagi ke awal growing the focus of intention in your heart when you want to achieve your vision and stay focus on goals.InsyaAllah pasti bisa :)
-Patience- one word,thats so easy to say ,but lil' difficult to do yaa. here, the patience could be the thing that is often uttered,without knowing what to do.Patience in me -means- trust and consider further action to be better aaand have to learn from the past.iya dong,well,nggak ada yg mau jatuh ke lubang yang sama kaan :D *hehehe
ok.its time to pray-

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