ngomong-ngomong soal anak-anak,well,actually its been a long time on my mind,sometimes..occured no-matter wherever I am.ini adalah pandangan saya akan kebebasan dalam arti yang sebenarnya untuk anak-anak,'it just make me post it here,(*krn ditulis dlm keadaan menunggu delay pesawat wkt mau balik dr bppn-jkt 1 atau 2 tahun lalu dan gapake wifi2an jd di tulisnya di m.word,formatnya kaya essay its ok lah ya:P,hehe)
Responsible Freedom in Children
The term of "freedom" can be very useful for the development of children, but can also be dangerous, it depends on the portions and depending on the context of its use. Excessive freedom given will be of omission. Even if sustained,it would make the child not aware of the limits that should be maintained,thus it does not support their development.
But, does not mean that freedom was given in small portions and then make the child being good. If the portion has reached the level that is too rein in or limit, regardless for the reason of affection or anything, it would also not support the progress.
First, not giving enough freedom may encourage children to develop a sense of shame or be shy. For example,if we oferly to correct his appearance. Initiatives child to show themselves to be pure hindered by our correction. Lack of freedom is also to encourage children to build doubt in the act thus, his decision is less strong or easily influenced.
Second, lack of creative freedom can also be into it. Children become parents watchman initiative because it is not trained to create. For example, we always insist children must follow all our advice, without giving the freedom to choose for the things that are required to be creative.
Last, children are also lack of confidence to be himself when the liberty continues taken by parents to dominate him. The principal to be confident is to do something freely,that there must be one or less risks.
Clearly,we need to contribute with moral values that guide them,rehearsal their responsibility through discipline or assignment, giving the option to train their mind to consider the risk of action,so that not be a disaster for our children.We should realize that giving freedom to educate is not easy. If just give freedom, it can be done by everyone. Therefore,it constantly need the ability to understand the stages of maturity and readiness of children.
oh iya, I think responsibility was born from a variety of problems and how we deal with the process.
alhamdulillah saya dibesarkan oleh orangtua yang sangat ngerti,"how to treat their child".nilai moral,agama,tanggungjawab,dan disiplinpun udah melakat erat.
Ibu saya adalah pedoman saya untuk agama,moral,love and care,how to treat people,another 'life' thing.
Ayah saya adalah pedoman saya untuk masalah disiplin.
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