(Rasanya aneh mulai mengetik untuk sebuah tulisan blog yang agak panjang (baca= lebih dari 140 karakter) karena ternyata kalimat-kalimat pendek yang membatasi itu malah lebih bisa membebaskan)
(Ketuk-ketuk kuku di meja kayu)
(Aduk-aduk chocochinno instan)
(Seruput. Browsing-browsing dulu)
ooh..I think I don't care much for the world that I live in, where visibility is much appreciated than ability. And facts are not as important as the perception of it.
What are your hobbies, dreams, passions, even fetish? Because you can sell everything nowadays. If you're young, be loud. Come up with as many ideas as possible. Even when you fail, they'll see that you've tried.
Don't be afraid to re-invent yourself berkali-kali.
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