Passion is one of the most important keys to success in any arena of life.Ya- i do believe it! When you have passion in your life you wake up excited about your day. You make the right decisions, you get more done in less time, and things flow for you. If you harness your passion, people will believe in you, trust in you, and want to support you. No greatness can happen without a person’s passion behind it. But what exactly is passion??
Passion is a love of something. It is a strong feeling of desire to achieve something. In a way, it is almost like an obsession. It guides your thinking, it dictates your logic, it motivates you, it propels you to continuously take action. You can’t put your passion down, you can’t wait to get up in the morning and pursue it. You can never get enough of it, and you would do it whether you got paid or not. It’s that special something…
That special something can’t be a material object, though. That’s the difference between passion and an unhealthy obsession. Passion is based around a goal, an internalized goal, a core value. When you participate in your passion, it gives you a sense of achievement and accomplishment.
An obsession is just wanting something really badly. For example, wanting the newest and hottest fashion items so badly that it dominates your thinking and dictates your actions is not about passion. If getting new shoes and handbags and outfits drives you and motivates you in your everyday actions, you are obsessed and that’s not good. On the other hand, loving fashion and wanting to do whatever you can to be around it, whether it be designing clothes, blogging about the newest products, starting your own retail outlet, or anything else: that is a passion. It’s a subtle difference, but an important one.
Your passion can’t be a desire for an object. It has to based around an internal goal, and it has to be something you determine for yourself. You shouldn’t “adopt” a passion because it’s trendy and popular. Your passion needs to be something that you genuinely feel strongly about. When you find and harness that genuine passion, you’ll have the drive to continuously pursue it, you’ll have the determination and the tenacity to forge on, and you will find a way to succeed because your motivation will push you toward your goals.
Passion is the underlying power beneath everything you do. Without it, you cannot find true success.
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