It’s been a month or so from the 38th APDSA congress which was held in Bangkok-Thailand on the 15th to the 21st of August, although being back and returning to daily school activities i still can’t shake the euforia I got from the congress and a piece of my heart is left behind in Thailand making me miss it even more. During those amazing 6 days I left for a congress that I thought as always would be a memorable experience but as is completed my journey to the land of smiles i came back wanting for more as I yearn to relive those 6 days and wishing it would never end.hehe :D
This simply-narration is a retrospect of my personal experience during the congress which I want to share with all of you.
First of all,APDSA is a Dentistry Student Association of Asia-Pacific, founded in 1968 which is affiliated with the Asia-Pacific Dental Federation (APDF). This year there were 11 country as partisipants; Thailand,Australia,Hongkong, Fiji, Indonesia,Japan,Malaysia,New Zealand,Philippines,South-Korea,Taiwan.
Congress consists of several activities such as: lecture, scientific research competition, anual general meetings, cultural night,and the most fun activity is tours!! :D haha..- almost everyday we had a tour programme.
As the title implies I would like to give you my personal reasons why this congress was so spectacular for me and those who attended it.
Enough introductions let’s start!7 things that kept me in awe--
1. The hotel

We can’t start this post without the mention of the venue where we had the congress The Rama Garden Hotel, Bangkok
During those 5 days we had most of our activities and interact with the other participants of the congress in this wonderful hotel.Time flies during the day and without even realizing it it’s already time for the opening ceremony. This really stood out for me

The night went on to be a memorable one as we were serenaded by the Srinakharinwirot University Orchestra for the Opening Ceremony.
1. Rattanakosin Tour
During the Rattanakosin tour i got a glimpse of how much the culture is not just a history but as an identity and part of themselves. Their devotion to their culture is truly admirable.

The reclining buddha one of the must see spots in Bangkok. Here we have one of the participants taking part in local culture by giving alms to the monks by dropping coins into bowls which with it then the monks will use it to purchase food.
2. Chao Praya River Cruise
We had a nice dinner on the boat, something i was not expecting at all. The view in the boat isn’t bad either seeing you get a meal and tour of the city at the same time, with some in cruise entertainment.

3. Optional tour (Bang Pa in Palace,Ayyuthaya City)

OK,-don’t get me started on sceneries there, if you are a camera junkie then Thailand is the place to get out those SLR’s and start collecting your photos.These are above just some examples of what the eye candy Thailand has to offer you.
3. The Food
If you’re palate is of those looking for exotic and spicy cuisines then Thailand is the place for you.

The curry was one of the best dishes i’ve had in during my stay in Thailand. A visit to Thailand wouldn’t be complete with out a visit to the world famous Thai dish.
4. The lecture and seminar
The APDSA congress wouldn’t be complete without the collection of speakers sharing their knowledge in the field of dentistry. This year it was quite short but very inspiring and engaging lecture.

5. Scientific Research Competition
This part is devided into oral presentation and poster presentation.We get the opportunity to present our research,with tittled “Effect of Papaya Leaves Extract on The Viability and Cell Apoptotic Induction on HSC-2 Human Oral Cavity Cancer (in vitro)”.

6. Cultural Night and Closing Ceremony
In this event we’d like to perform balinese contemporer dance, we practiced about 2 months before ,guided by alfa plus. I’m glad we could participated to introduce indonesian cultured abroad. They’re also interested in our culture actually, it’s evidenced by many requests for taking pictures after we perform .xoxo-

7. New Friends
I bet that no one in this event who did not get a new friend from abroad or even domestic. It was great to have a big family like this ^^.

This is the end of my story i hope you guys enjoyed reading it as i did making it. I would like to close my story with kinda-persuating words “come,and join us in a big family of APDSA next year,in Cairns-Australia!! Go get your own experiences dentist .Explore your knowledge,culture and of course, establish your friends from various country ”