Sunday, 18 September 2011

la mémoire of APDSA

It’s been a month or so from the 38th APDSA congress which was held in Bangkok-Thailand on the 15th to the 21st of August, although being back and returning to daily school activities i still can’t shake the euforia I got from the congress and a piece of my heart is left behind in Thailand making me miss it even more. During those amazing 6 days I left for a congress that I thought as always would be a memorable experience but as is completed my journey to the land of smiles i came back wanting for more as I yearn to relive those 6 days and wishing it would never end.hehe :D
This simply-narration is a retrospect of my personal experience during the congress which I want to share with all of you.
First of all,APDSA is a Dentistry Student Association of Asia-Pacific, founded in 1968 which is affiliated with the Asia-Pacific Dental Federation (APDF). This year there were 11 country as partisipants; Thailand,Australia,Hongkong, Fiji, Indonesia,Japan,Malaysia,New Zealand,Philippines,South-Korea,Taiwan.
Congress consists of several activities such as: lecture, scientific research competition, anual general meetings, cultural night,and the most fun activity is tours!! :D haha..- almost everyday we had a tour programme.
As the title implies I would like to give you my personal reasons why this congress was so spectacular for me and those who attended it.
Enough introductions let’s start!7 things that kept me in awe--
1. The hotel

We can’t start this post without the mention of the venue where we had the congress The Rama Garden Hotel, Bangkok
During those 5 days we had most of our activities and interact with the other participants of the congress in this wonderful hotel.Time flies during the day and without even realizing it it’s already time for the opening ceremony. This really stood out for me

The night went on to be a memorable one as we were serenaded by the Srinakharinwirot University Orchestra for the Opening Ceremony.
1. Rattanakosin Tour
During the Rattanakosin tour i got a glimpse of how much the culture is not just a history but as an identity and part of themselves. Their devotion to their culture is truly admirable.

The reclining buddha one of the must see spots in Bangkok. Here we have one of the participants taking part in local culture by giving alms to the monks by dropping coins into bowls which with it then the monks will use it to purchase food.

2. Chao Praya River Cruise
We had a nice dinner on the boat, something i was not expecting at all. The view in the boat isn’t bad either seeing you get a meal and tour of the city at the same time, with some in cruise entertainment.

3. Optional tour (Bang Pa in Palace,Ayyuthaya City)

OK,-don’t get me started on sceneries there, if you are a camera junkie then Thailand is the place to get out those SLR’s and start collecting your photos.These are above just some examples of what the eye candy Thailand has to offer you.
3. The Food
If you’re palate is of those looking for exotic and spicy cuisines then Thailand is the place for you.

The curry was one of the best dishes i’ve had in during my stay in Thailand. A visit to Thailand wouldn’t be complete with out a visit to the world famous Thai dish.
4. The lecture and seminar
The APDSA congress wouldn’t be complete without the collection of speakers sharing their knowledge in the field of dentistry. This year it was quite short but very inspiring and engaging lecture.

5. Scientific Research Competition
This part is devided into oral presentation and poster presentation.We get the opportunity to present our research,with tittled “Effect of Papaya Leaves Extract on The Viability and Cell Apoptotic Induction on HSC-2 Human Oral Cavity Cancer (in vitro)”.

6. Cultural Night and Closing Ceremony
In this event we’d like to perform balinese contemporer dance, we practiced about 2 months before ,guided by alfa plus. I’m glad we could participated to introduce indonesian cultured abroad. They’re also interested in our culture actually, it’s evidenced by many requests for taking pictures after we perform .xoxo-

7. New Friends
I bet that no one in this event who did not get a new friend from abroad or even domestic. It was great to have a big family like this ^^.

This is the end of my story i hope you guys enjoyed reading it as i did making it. I would like to close my story with kinda-persuating words “come,and join us in a big family of APDSA next year,in Cairns-Australia!! Go get your own experiences dentist .Explore your knowledge,culture and of course, establish your friends from various country ”

Friday, 9 September 2011

Passion or Obsession??

Passion is one of the most important keys to success in any arena of life.Ya- i do believe it! When you have passion in your life you wake up excited about your day. You make the right decisions, you get more done in less time, and things flow for you. If you harness your passion, people will believe in you, trust in you, and want to support you. No greatness can happen without a person’s passion behind it. But what exactly is passion??

Passion is a love of something. It is a strong feeling of desire to achieve something. In a way, it is almost like an obsession. It guides your thinking, it dictates your logic, it motivates you, it propels you to continuously take action. You can’t put your passion down, you can’t wait to get up in the morning and pursue it. You can never get enough of it, and you would do it whether you got paid or not. It’s that special something…

That special something can’t be a material object, though. That’s the difference between passion and an unhealthy obsession. Passion is based around a goal, an internalized goal, a core value. When you participate in your passion, it gives you a sense of achievement and accomplishment.

An obsession is just wanting something really badly. For example, wanting the newest and hottest fashion items so badly that it dominates your thinking and dictates your actions is not about passion. If getting new shoes and handbags and outfits drives you and motivates you in your everyday actions, you are obsessed and that’s not good. On the other hand, loving fashion and wanting to do whatever you can to be around it, whether it be designing clothes, blogging about the newest products, starting your own retail outlet, or anything else: that is a passion. It’s a subtle difference, but an important one.

Your passion can’t be a desire for an object. It has to based around an internal goal, and it has to be something you determine for yourself. You shouldn’t “adopt” a passion because it’s trendy and popular. Your passion needs to be something that you genuinely feel strongly about. When you find and harness that genuine passion, you’ll have the drive to continuously pursue it, you’ll have the determination and the tenacity to forge on, and you will find a way to succeed because your motivation will push you toward your goals.

Passion is the underlying power beneath everything you do. Without it, you cannot find true success.

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

wow!you gotta be kidding me-such a great spirit 'uh?

Being a dentist is awesome:
We decide who should wear a crown, we plan bridges like engineers ,we extract roots like mathematicians, we make people suffer like bankers , we are always late like grooms ..but the most fantastic of all is that we make people smile more like clowns. Laugh to show those beautiful teeth that we've made !! ♥

We don't make the world turn round but we MAKE THE WORLD SMILE:D
Proud to be a dentist =D

- Quoted from somewhere out there -

Monday, 5 September 2011

"people are not going to see how tough you are, if so- they must be pretty sure to see you from the other side" :)

Friday, 2 September 2011

Mitos vs Fakta Seputar Gigi dan Mulut

Berikut adalah mitos2 yang sering kita dengar di masyarakat mengenai gigi dan mulut :), lets check them all,i would be glad if this article can help you guys answer the issues from your family,friends,society,new people,your girl/boyfriend,even your lecturer *if you are a dental student ;)hehehe

Mitos: Gigi atas yang sakit jika dicabut akan mempengaruhi syaraf mata. Bahkan dapat menyebabkan kebutaan.
Fakta: Syaraf yang mempersyarafi gigi geligi atas berbeda dengan syaraf mata. Bila seseorang sakit gigi karena karies (lubang gigi) pada gigi atas, penjalaran infeksinya memang dapat mencapai pipi hingga mata. Namun pencabutan gigi atas tidak akan menyebabkan kebutaan.

Mitos: Sakit gigi dapat disembuhkan cukup dengan minum obat penghilang rasa sakit (analgesik).
Fakta: Obat “pain killer” hanya membantu untuk menghilangkan rasa sakit sementara, namun infeksi bakteri pada gigi tetap ada dan suatu waktu rasa sakit akan timbul lagi. Maka jika terjadi karies, gigi tersebut harus dirawat. Bila karies belum mencapai jaringan syaraf, gigi masih bisa ditambal. Namun bila jaringan syaraf sudah terekspos, maka gigi sudah tidak bisa langsung ditambal tapi harus dilakukan perawatan saluran akar terlebih dulu.

Mitos: Gigi tidak perlu dicabut dan boleh dibiarkan saja bila yang tersisa tinggal akarnya saja. Toh, sudah tidak ada keluhan yang dirasakan.
Fakta: Bila gigi berlubang dibiarkan dan tidak dirawat, lama kelamaan gigi tersebut dapat patah sedikit demi sedikit karena adanya tekanan kunyah. Pada akhirnya, mahkota gigi habis dan yang tersisa tinggal akarnya saja. Biasanya pada gigi tersebut sudah tidak ada keluhan lagi. Namun bukan berati masalah sudah selesai. Akar gigi yang terekspos dengan lingkungan gigi tetap dapat menjadi sumber infeksi. oleh karena itu, biarpun sudah tidak terasa sakit gigi tersebut tetap harus dicabut dan dibuatkan gigi tiruan penggantinya.

Mitos: Anak yang punya kebiasaan menghisap jari giginya bisa maju atau tonggos.
Fakta: Banyak penelitian yang mengungkapkan bahwa kebiasaan thumb sucking pada anak dapat menyebabkan gigi depannya tonggos, tapi bergantung pada beberapa hal. Misalnya, sampai berapa lama anak tersebut terbiasa menghisap jari. Seberapa sering ia menghisap jari dalam sehari dan besarnya tekanan hisap si anak juga dapat mempengaruhi derajat keparahan. Kebiasaan menghisap jari yang bertahan antara 36 dan 48 bulan dapat meningkatkan resiko majunya gigi depan secara signifikan.

Mitos: Bila seseorang sakit gigi lebih baik dicabut daripada ditambal, karena setelah ditambal pun masih bisa sakit lagi.
Fakta: Pencabutan gigi adalah alternatif terakhir, bila perawatan lain sudah tidak mungkin dilakukan. Gigi sebisa mungkin dipertahankan dalam mulut, karena kehilangan satu gigi saja sudah dapat mengurangi efektivitas dalam pengunyahan. Gigi yang hilang sebaiknya diganti dengan gigi tiruan, namun sebaik apapun gigi tiruan masih lebih baik gigi aslinya. Saat ini ilmu dan teknologi di bidang kedokteran gigi telah berkembang pesat. Material kedokteran gigi terus menerus diperbaiki, sehingga hasil tambalan yang baik dan tahan lama dapat dicapai.

Mitos: Bau mulut disebabkan karena adanya masalah di pencernaan.
Fakta: Banyak penelitian yang menyebutkan bahwa 85 % bau mulut berasal dari gigi dan mulut. Bau mulut yang disebabkan oleh perut sangat jarang terjadi. Bau mulut disebabkan oleh bakteri yang bersarang di dalam mulut, bisa berada di gusi yang meradang, gigi yang berlubang, karang gigi, tambalan yang bocor, dan terutama di bagian belakang lidah. Bakteri yang berkembang dalam lingkungan tanpa oksigen ini memproduksi gas berbau yang disebut ‘volatile sulfur compound’. Inilah yang menyebabkan bau mulut.

Mitos: Obat kumur dapat menghilangkan bau mulut.
Fakta: Menurut suatu penelitian yang menguji keefektifan obat kumur yang mengandung essential oil, jumlah bakteri berkurang secara bermakna 12 jam setelah penggunaan. Namun obat kumur hanya efektif dalam jangka waktu yang pendek. Malahan, pemilihan obat kumur harus dilakukan secara hati-hati, karena obat kumur berbahan dasar alkohol justru dapat memperberat bau mulut bila digunakan secara berlebihan, karena kandungan alkohol dapat membuat mulut menjadi kering. Untuk menghilangkan, atau setidaknya mengurangi bau mulut, pembersihan gigi tidak difokuskan ke permukaan gigi saja melainkan ke seluruh permukaan yang ada di dalam rongga mulut. Terutama jaringan lunak seperti lidah dan gusi.

Mitos: Pencabutan gigi tidak boleh dilakukan pada saat wanita sedang menstruasi.
Fakta: Perubahan hormonal yang dialami wanita turut mempengaruhi keadaan di rongga mulutnya. Saat menstruasi, terjadi perubahan hormonal yaitu peningkatan kadar estrogen dan progesteron yang dapat menyebabkan gusi lebih rentan terhadap peradangan. Meski demikian, pencabutan tetap dapat dilakukan pada saat wanita sedang menstruasi. Untuk menghindari resiko, pencabutan sebaiknya ditunda hingga minggu terakhir siklus menstruasi di mana kadar estrogen sedang rendah.

Mitos: Bila gigi anak berlubang tidak perlu ditambal karena nanti juga akan digantikan oleh gigi tetap/permanen.
Fakta: Gigi anak yang berlubang tetap harus ditambal, karena gigi yang berlubang dan tidak dirawat dapat menyebabkan infeksi menjalar ke jaringan pendukung gigi. Hal ini akan mempengaruhi gigi permanennya yang sedang dalam tahap tumbuh kembang. Selain itu adanya karies pada gigi anak dapat menyebabkan anak berkurang nafsu makan dan cenderung rewel.

Mitos: Sariawan disebabkan oleh kekurangan vitamin C.
Fakta: Sariawan dalam dunia medis disebut dengan aphtous stomatitis. Penyebab dari penyakit ini belum diketahui secara pasti, namun ada banyak faktor yang diyakini berkaitan dalam memicu terjadinya sariawan. Di antaranya adalah menurunnya sistem imun (kekebalan tubuh), stress, trauma pada jaringan lunak dalam rongga mulut (seperti tergigit yang berulang-ulang), kurang nutrisi, atau disebabkan karena obat-obatan tertentu. Bila sariawan terjadi berulang-ulang dan hilang timbul, maka disebut recurrent aphtous stomatitis (RAS).


Saturday, 6 August 2011

cum laude to undefined happiness

Dear blogger,
yaaauu,being missing for like thousand days,its been an exams month and research-thing,so its kinda hectic month ya,hehe?
this is the word for me : Crazy little thing called HAPPY!! ya!i'am happy more than anything.
Alhamdulillah ya Allah
The thing is : this semester IP naaaiik,dan Alhamdulillah bisa menyandang gelar CUMLAUDE lagi..
the same,*always the same expression i had = 'crying',no- its not because cengeng,my tears just came out.:P

Pertolongan Allah.Dalam Al-Qur’an Surat Al-Baqarah ayat 257 menyebutkan:“Allah itu penolong (pimpinan) orang-orang yang beriman”
Derajat yang tinggi di dunia dan di akhirat.“ Allah mengangkat mereka yang beriman diantara kalian dan mereka yang diberi ilmu dengan derajat yang tinggi”.(Al-Mujadalah:11)

dari sini sadar banget,Allah dapat dengan mudahnya membolak-balikkan keadaan, -it happend to me, smester lalu sempat turun nilainya,dan sadar bgt kalo itu memang kehendak-Nya, ya. bukan untuk menangisi kenapa bisa turun nilainya,tapi saat itu memang 'ego',sedih banget kalo ingat ips yang turun *i just can't hide my feeling at that time,mulai saat itu saya bertekad dengan sungguh-sungguh ,insyAllah saya akan mengembalikan ips saya seperti sebelumnya dengan ber-nazar.

aaand it is true that Allah loves me in a way. Ia dpt dengan mudah menurunkan derajat manusia,dan mengembalikan ke keadaan semula,bahkan keadaan yang tidak dapat disangka oleh umatNya
All i hve to do now-> bismillah saya akan melaksanakan nazar saya :)

I love Allah because HE is the ONE, THE ONLY ONE!!!

Saturday, 25 June 2011

another coffee time

(Rasanya aneh mulai mengetik untuk sebuah tulisan blog yang agak panjang (baca= lebih dari 140 karakter) karena ternyata kalimat-kalimat pendek yang membatasi itu malah lebih bisa membebaskan)

(Ketuk-ketuk kuku di meja kayu)

(Aduk-aduk chocochinno instan)

(Seruput. Browsing-browsing dulu)

ooh..I think I don't care much for the world that I live in, where visibility is much appreciated than ability. And facts are not as important as the perception of it.
What are your hobbies, dreams, passions, even fetish? Because you can sell everything nowadays. If you're young, be loud. Come up with as many ideas as possible. Even when you fail, they'll see that you've tried.
Don't be afraid to re-invent yourself berkali-kali.

Saturday, 18 June 2011

JL-for John Legend :*

I'm not even a big 'R&B' fan, but just there's something about John Legend! mabye his piano fascinated me always <3.everythin' sounds to him is "geez, you're amazing.
His song is so simple but yet beautiful and has powerful messages. I <3

Thursday, 16 June 2011

when i miss you. i just want to sing you a song,poppa

the way he sang to me,mom,brother,also in some events
the way he played guitar,piano,harmonica to us
the way he makes salsa's or another dance with me and my mom
the way he played the doll with me
the way he teach me how to ride a bike
the way he made pancake or just friedrice to breakfast on sunday morning
the way he cooked us with his secreatly-recipe,nyummy!
the way he show me his tricky-adorable when i got bored
the way he strokin my hair and kiss my forehead
the way he tried to teach me how's life should be lived
the way he hug me so tight
the way you love my fams with your 'own' way..

fellows,have you ever miss your dad like i do now? i miss him so damn,and this is another time i cried,when i miss him,i know,its surely had a background over this tears away. its been 6 years my dad works abroad,which routinly 2 months or more there and 2 weeks in indonesia,his job needed him there. after pakistan,abu dhabi,dubai,turkey,and now iraq. i do care with him, cause he said that "..i work here escorted by two soldiers everyday,..i um,lil-bit dislike the taste of food here,so i really wanna cook dinner with my own.."
god,please save my dad wherever he was,bless him with healthy,stength.and ease of luck.
oh this is my chat on skype-dash with him,last night :D

this is songs for you,i just clearly-remembered you sang this song on your friends farewell party ,home (oftentimes),and another places you used to be

i do love you..

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

went to nangor :)

New Years Eve in Nangor? why not?,heheh. severals day before NYE 2011, i decided to go to my "powerpuffgirls" sister at nangor,(sonoannya bandung,mah katanya). it was an unspeakable a nutshell , i am so glad being there!!

Monday, 13 June 2011

"the more you can explain with simple words,the more you get the hang of"

Sunday, 12 June 2011

People should have self confidence.
(*kalau apa-apa takut/malu/whatsoever kapan mau jalannya?)
-papa's word when i was 3-

Monday, 6 June 2011


well,"even if ,all occasion comes from the intention,spirit and hope,it won't work if no action."

Monday, 23 May 2011

ooh..put the records on

so, i tried to covered this gaga's song,i like the lyric's.but,i dont really sure what to sang this song fluently.and you can see some mistakes i made,because this is the first time i covered dance-pop song to (what to call?hm..lil-bit,no- it cud be much slow tempo.hehe *liriknya aja masih lirik-lirik :P.

born this way (cover)

*gini nih,kalo baru nemu kuncinya di keyboard.tanpa diulang2.hasilnya= lirik-lirik :D

Sunday, 15 May 2011


emang gak bisa dipungkiri,kalo barang yg kita beli dgn duit hasil jerih payah sendiri(*ok,lets we called some-schoolarship fee)hilang begitu aja itu...just like 'torn part of your heart' crushing you easily.dan saya pastikan bahwa itu hilang TANPA JEJAK!
it was happened to me. i lose my ipod!! dont know how to express my feeling now,for sure i am a lil'bit depression .but i do regret for my carelessness.oh poor me.
i just hope,for someone who found my ipod,please do return it for me,cause its very meaningful to me. please.
but i have to say goodbye to mine..

Saturday, 14 May 2011

lil' random things i want right now is"..having someone accompany me with piano or guitar thingy" gee! how can i easily feel pleasant with someone who had a sense of musical instrument.

Friday, 13 May 2011

even this illness is a gift

vomiting.nausea.sweat-trilling.time conditions lately.
i've been considered that i had 'bad-circumstances' of body and soul needed since mid-exam.*basically the core is 'Allah sedang menguji saya,tepat di ujian tengah semester yang superb dahsyat'
semoga sakitnya bisa menggugurkan dosa ,Amiin.
now, i feel lil' bit okay at least udah gak muntah2 lg :)
back when dad just called me minutes ago, he said " knapa sakit? apa terlalu stress belajarnya? papa kan sudah bilang belajar itu nyantai,jangan merasa terbebani harus cepat selesai kuliahnya",
yah-not like any others parents who ask their child to study-hard,our parents didn't do come? -i just don't know-, even myriad accomplishment we've got (me and my brother),he just said : "good sweetheart! you are genius" then he kissed our 'thing' gifted-like others kids got.if you ask me wether i'm jealous? YES ! of course,but it first :),now all i understand enough is he wants built my character on his way.
when i was a lil' girl dad always said " spend your time with reading", and i think that its actually his legacy.i ever ask to dad : "dad,what professional,you want me to be,when i grow up? doctor/entrepreneur/an artist?? and he just said :"i just want you to be yourself,a "good people" honey."
(^there must be some meaning based on his words,and i think i got the sense :)
talk about my childhood life. i remember each part of mine. clearly,my home is fully with musical thingy,and the classical music which always fly around("maybe my ego formed from it).but,it changed about junior-highschool student i lost my familiarity w/ classical music,it switch with another popular genre which easily volatile at that time,like kinda-jazz,alt-rock,country,pop,bla-bla ..i like it,but my soul is just not into that.
oh i think i have a 'flight of idea"-> jadi kemana-mana gini bicaranya -___-

okey-dokeey.i think i got a boom-boom spirit to accomplish my life,i mean my entire 'line of duty' ,bismillah..

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Sebenarnya kita itu tidak pernah gagal,hanya saja kita yang sering menyerah.
Makanya ga ada kata "Jangan gagal" yg ada pasti "jangan menyerah",
Menyerah itu adalah keputusan kita utk "GAGAL".

"..Sesungguhnya yang berputus asa dari rahmat Allah hanyalah orang-arang yang kafir"
Al'Quran-Yusuf : 87

Friday, 15 April 2011


it kinda a-convy without peoples around.once you really hope the aim of your tellin' *seriously.dang!it would crushing you back.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

just like an oddy-time

awkward day,in awkward time,i put some strawberry on my tiny cup,one aple,one pear,and a few pieces of orange..(geez! how healthy i am? hahaha.,i've been thinking awkward (it can be the prolouge i've choosen!! (*emang ada pilihannya?hem-_-)
..this gloomy tuesday shows their shelter.happy for it?or just feeling 'oh its kinda oddy-time ever'?,abisnya jakarta akhir2 ini panasnya kebangetan.tuesday it like a spine-hilling hard day to be passed anyway.(*kalo kata temen2 fkg sih judulnya 'teror konser').but it was.mau gak mau yakan :).*flash..i remember my 'magical words' in negative situation.just pretend!!,the means are:
when get bored->just pretend that i have sumthin 'freshy-happy' to do.
when get angry->just pretend that i am not.and give me your big grin :D
when get tired->just pretend that i am an energic-young-people who used to do everything easily!,cause in my thought it all can stimulate our feelings,and intellective to be a positive condition. life my life!"i put some seeds into it,and that's what i get,but the process will be determined
in live we point our own picture of what we want,then make it reality. it's not easy ,but it's not impossible.hehe ya gak?

Friday, 11 March 2011

silent reverie

been a quite for a while,sometimes make me feel good. oh i need some distraction.dancing,singing,theater maybe??? :D
i want to be empty,let me be empty,...that would take me on a new-something,like an arts workers who just started drawing.
pulled from the wreckage of my silent reverie,i'll keep on building my new spirit to face this responsibility.yah! this semester will be a kinda hard-working.
bismillah. luruskan niat saya ya Allah . semangaaattt!!!!!

dear Allah,let this lil' girl grown into an intelligent dentist, strong, earthy, and always make her parents happy all the timeee. amin :)

Thursday, 10 March 2011

jaman dulu.ini dulu,dulu.duluuuu

this is the time when i was in junior high school.which one looks like me?
hahaha :D -bottom left-

Thursday, 24 February 2011

ayooo!! semangat tikaaa...Allah Maha Mengetahui
cobaan akan mengujimu untuk naik ke 'level' yang lebih tinggi
introspeksi.introspeksi.introspeksi. belajar dari apa yang kurang-kurang :)

Monday, 14 February 2011

Conquering Great Etudes at Ghoete haus

hi blogish.i am back :),ah by the way.I'm on happily-atm,you know what ,well ofcourse Allah loves me ,thus I am still given the chance to breath,think,feel the 'love' from closest people I had,aaand wait! 'still have a sense of missed with boyfie :D.(hey yu :*)
now its all about recital piano i've watched yesterday
yeaaayy!!word to impress = 'thumbs up' for this concert !

Together in one recital,12 pianist just make me amazed!,they are conquer the great etudes of Chopin, Liszt, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, Debussy and many more in a recital at Goethe Haus Institute.

The 11 pianists featured in this upcoming recital have received some intensive learning from renowned award winner Dr. Johannes S. Nugroho. A member of Pelita Harapan University faculty members, Dr. Johannes S. Nugroho represented Indonesia in the 1991 Hong Kong International Performing Arts Festival and has actively performed in numerous major cities both in Indonesia and the USA as a solo piano recitalist, a piano soloist with orchestra, a chamber musician and a piano collaborator.

-this is the video (*sbenernya mau ng-upload byk,tp wifi lg kayak old-ciput -_-)

I have to say that it is quite interesting to find a recital that is focusing on etude compositions. An etude – French for study - is a considerably difficult instrumental musical composition that is designed to provide practice material for perfecting a particular technical skill. However, the tradition of writing etudes for piano somehow became popular in the early 19th Century. Even until now, etudes that were composed by Carl Czerny and Muzio Clementi are still in use as teaching material in many conservatories around the world.

oh ya, the concert start on 07.00 pm- 09.30 pm,aand everything looks so amazing to me,the music is very classical. first i thought that there are some jazz or blues thingy mixed with classic,but it is 'pure'. I came to this concert with my besties marrisha *she looks nice tonight!kewl beb.hahaha :))

naah,disini juga ada pameran buku chord gitu,banyak banget mulai dari chopin-beethoven-tsaichovsky, etc.hmm ada juga eye-catching accessories2 loh,surely 'piano thingy' and i bought this cool stuff :

Friday, 11 February 2011

grumble permission

if i could stop the world for a while.please just for a while, because i feel exhausted.-- now,i just can't facing the world.

is it true that menstruation cycle playing a roll of a dumb-emotionally into women's feeling.
so much to do
so much to tell
so much to know
so much to think

and i don't even know,how to start with

being conscious.i used to trying not grumbling whatever--
but tonight just give me permission to feel that *yeah u're understandable for grumbling bla-blabla-

Sunday, 23 January 2011


semakin banyak saya belajar,semakin mengerti bahwa masih banyak lagi hal-hal yang saya tidak ketahui.oh.people..tidak sepatutnya kita sombong.
geez,its reminds me of one fav- quote of Albert Einstein :
"..I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.."

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

ketika kuliah,ketika harus dikerjar2 deadline tugas,ketika bosen bgt sama kehidupan "anak kos",ketika bercengkrama dengan teman-teman,maupun ketika dihadapkan oleh masalah,saya harus terbiasa membuat itu menjadi "hiburan"

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

where i get the'moivations'? Create it,Gaining and set this up by myself.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

God is knowledge; he is knowing; and he is being known. Since God has knowledge of his own essence, and since God is one, it follows that the essence of God is knowledge. And knowledge means that he knows himself, and is known by himself.

- Ibn Sina, "al-Risalat al-Arshiya"

Sunday, 9 January 2011

it is about 'children's freedom'

ngomong-ngomong soal anak-anak,well,actually its been a long time on my mind,sometimes..occured no-matter wherever I am.ini adalah pandangan saya akan kebebasan dalam arti yang sebenarnya untuk anak-anak,'it just make me post it here,(*krn ditulis dlm keadaan menunggu delay pesawat wkt mau balik dr bppn-jkt 1 atau 2 tahun lalu dan gapake wifi2an jd di tulisnya di m.word,formatnya kaya essay its ok lah ya:P,hehe)

Responsible Freedom in Children

The term of "freedom" can be very useful for the development of children, but can also be dangerous, it depends on the portions and depending on the context of its use. Excessive freedom given will be of omission. Even if sustained,it would make the child not aware of the limits that should be maintained,thus it does not support their development.

But, does not mean that freedom was given in small portions and then make the child being good. If the portion has reached the level that is too rein in or limit, regardless for the reason of affection or anything, it would also not support the progress.

First, not giving enough freedom may encourage children to develop a sense of shame or be shy. For example,if we oferly to correct his appearance. Initiatives child to show themselves to be pure hindered by our correction. Lack of freedom is also to encourage children to build doubt in the act thus, his decision is less strong or easily influenced.

Second, lack of creative freedom can also be into it. Children become parents watchman initiative because it is not trained to create. For example, we always insist children must follow all our advice, without giving the freedom to choose for the things that are required to be creative.

Last, children are also lack of confidence to be himself when the liberty continues taken by parents to dominate him. The principal to be confident is to do something freely,that there must be one or less risks.

Clearly,we need to contribute with moral values that guide them,rehearsal their responsibility through discipline or assignment, giving the option to train their mind to consider the risk of action,so that not be a disaster for our children.We should realize that giving freedom to educate is not easy. If just give freedom, it can be done by everyone. Therefore,it constantly need the ability to understand the stages of maturity and readiness of children.

oh iya, I think responsibility was born from a variety of problems and how we deal with the process.

alhamdulillah saya dibesarkan oleh orangtua yang sangat ngerti,"how to treat their child".nilai moral,agama,tanggungjawab,dan disiplinpun udah melakat erat.
Ibu saya adalah pedoman saya untuk agama,moral,love and care,how to treat people,another 'life' thing.
Ayah saya adalah pedoman saya untuk masalah disiplin.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

When Acculturation Culture undermine People's Freedom

essay ini sebenernya buat apply form salah satu international group in germany,..daripada numpuk jadi di send ke sini saja :D
OK.we staaaaaarrttt,wuuuuz.

Diverse culture seemed to be a typical of life in this world.Culture is the norms and values that we hold in conducting daily life. Culture became the nation's identity. A collection of community will result in a different culture. The same culture would affect the results of development of civilization.

With the high of mobility, no wonder if the culture have now related. Various cultures interact with each other. In the life of nation and state, culture can not be separated from the role society that embrace it . There is a tendency cultural mix commonly referred to as a cultural acculturation.

Cultural acculturation occurs because of complex needs in social life. A culture will adapt to the surrounding environment. When a culture no longer be considered as a handle in solving a problem, then an external factor will appear. The factors that emerged from the outside this is a sign of the inability of the internal side of the culture to solve general problems.

When Indonesia was developing more advanced, then the culture was also developed. Our culture is experiencing a very rapid mobilization. The influence of globalization and liberalism became one of the causes of this incident. But do not be denied, the existing cultural acculturation is actually the results of our thoughts. The result of our thinking which is used as a reference. The thought that, based on the desire for a perfection. And to achieve it, then we will not hesitate to take factors outside of our culture.

When the interference of cultures occurs, then the norms and values (culture) that we have adopted will also change. Likewise with our perspective in seeing things. The question is whether the cultures that have mingled, we still think of as a culture? If viewed in terms of evolution, indeed all cultures have evolved. Evolution itself is one way to adapt to the surrounding environment. But if evolution is slowly changing the culture as a whole, whether this statement can we justify?

One of the newspaper headlines some time ago is a case Prita Mulyasari. She can be regarded as victims of cultural acculturation.When our culture still restrict the statement of opinion and speech, many layers of society who do not like going to a state like this. At that time, with a frill of democracy, then freedom of speech was proclaimed. Our culture is usually depression in delivering the opinion, immediately turned into a culture that free-spoken

It comes a way out to solve the problem. A substance from outside is taken as an early embryo. Our freedom to speak was put on the basic form of the substance that comes from outside. Human Rights is considered as the strongest basis for sustaining the right of freedom of speech. Next is the fact that the culture that we have adopted in the beginning has been transformed with substances from the outside. This suggests that the products produced by the culture will change.

When we embrace this culture that has evolved, there was a kind of feeling proud and satisfied because they feel has reached a higher level of livelihood. Culture that was not flexible with the desire of its adherents has evolved into a substantial culture which is closely related with the values and norms foreign.

In the end, cultures that we have been forced to change provide effects not taken into account. At the start of culture to speak freely provide fresh air for residents. Of previously (depressed) to express opinions and criticisms feel more freely. If the view of the process, then the majority of Indonesian citizens are not a pragmatic human. But in reality, individual country is mostly a pragmatic man who put the final result.Likewise who are forcing culture to evolve, not thinking about the effects and the occurrence of a problem, but rather look at things from the perspective of the end result or solution.

Case Prita Mulyasari may be regarded as an end result of the culture that has acculturated. Free Culture talk that we want has been obtained. All are obtained by adopting a foreign substance (HAM), which strongly impressed if combined. But we only look at solving problems at low levels. We did not consider the end product of the new culture. Who would have thought, free to speak their own culture to be one boomerang for freedom of speech. Intervention pragmatism nation leaders have led us to the freedom of the confined. It is ironic, cultures that had been changed (we change) to adjust the various problems instead became the weapon of his own master.

As a great nation, let’s develop a way of thinking. Do not look at things from the final result,but look at the processes that occur. This is important because the process tends to determine what is produced in the future. How do we know what would be generated, if the process we do not know,right?We should not directly enter any foreign substance. Think carefully before what will we get in the future. After all, in fact, our ancestors could live safely, comfortably and at ease with the culture of their own without intervention from any side.